
Mąka owsiana jest wysoki w fosfor i to jest dobre dla pacjenta chorobę nerek

Is oat meal high in phosphorus and is it good for kidney disease patient ? For this question, i give give you a positive answer, the oat meal is high in Phosphorus but it is good for kidney disease patient if you take a certain of them. The following are some details about it, let us learn it together now.

The nutritions of oat ?

1. Oat can effectively reduce the cholesterol in the body, eat frequently, it can help to reduce the risk of getting Cardio-cerebrovascular disease which is a main threat to the elderly.

2. Regular consumption oat have very good a good effect in reducing blood glucose and loosing weight for patients with diabetes.

3. Oatmeal has the effect to solve constipation which is is a painful thing for many aged people and patient.

4. It can also improve blood circulation, relieve the pressure of work. The nutritions contains in it such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other minerals can help to prevent osteoporosis and anemia and promoting wound healing. In addition, it is a good supplement of calcium.

5. Oatmeal is rich in linoleic acid, it is helpful in curing the Fatty Liver, Diabetes, Edema, Constipation and so on. It is also has the auxiliary curative effect for the aged people to enhance strength and prolong life.

From the above we can see that Oatmeal is good for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, but it is also rich in protein and phosphorus, so you should not eat too much, that is because, no matter the protein nor the phosphorus will add work load to the kidneys. If you have other questions or need any help in treating kidney disease, do not hesitant to contact our online doctor or leave messages to us, we will try our best to help you.



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